Kidney Sellers: A Journey of Discovery in Iran
By Sigrid Fry-Revere, J.D., Ph.D.
Published by Carolina Academic Press
Published by Carolina Academic Press
Copyright March 10, 2014
Creative non-fiction, non-fiction adventure (adult and young adult)
According to Sigrid
Fry-Revere, ethics consultant for the Washington Regional Transplant
Community’s Organ and Tissue Advisory Committee, there were more than 100,000
people on the waiting list for a kidney transplant in the United States at the
end of 2013 and about 400,000 people on dialysis.
The sad truth, she
says, is that many of them will die because there are not enough cadaver
kidneys to meet their needs and those on dialysis usually only survive for
approximately four years.
“Every year only about 15% of those on the
active waiting list get transplants,” she writes. “Most will die waiting.
Another 7–8% die or drop off the list (because they are too sick for an
operation) without getting a kidney. This translates to approximately 20-25
American dialysis patients dying needlessly every day.”
Why is this
happening in such a progressive country? Fry-Revere says it is because Congress passed the National Organ Transplant
Act (NOTA) in 1984 that prohibited anyone from paying for organs. On top of
that, doing so could result in a fine of $50,000 and up to five years in jail.
Based on the ethics that body organs should
not be up for sale, this system is why those wealthy enough sometimes turn to
purchasing a kidney on the black market. Fry-Revere notes “ a thousand or more Americans purchase
illegal organs (mostly abroad) every year.” However, the black market is
totally unregulated leaving patients open to contracting such diseases as “HIV,
hepatitis and even cancer from improperly screened donors.” And she adds, “Donors
are lied to, cheated, and left without sufficient post-operative care.”
The wealthy can also afford to get an
operation as well as take the needed time off work. Thus the poorer folks are
the ones more likely to die. Fry-Revere,
who is also project director of the Center for Ethical Solution’s SOS (Solving
the Organ Shortage) project, views this situation as unacceptable, especially
when she learns that a much smaller country - Iran – has solved the problem of
kidney shortages.
“The United States should be ashamed to be outdone by a country like Iran,” she notes.
“The United States should be ashamed to be outdone by a country like Iran,” she notes.
Fry-Revere spent two months in Iran interviewing physicians, nurses, kidney sellers
and patients, as well as administrators of non-governmental, non- profits
called Anjomans that arrange kidney sales in that country. She became the first
person ever to document interviews on film and what she learned about the
Iranian’s legal compensation system has proved invaluable.
One cannot read this book without feeling
deep sympathy for not just the kidney patients who die each year in the U.S.
but also for the families who are forced to watch them slowly dwindle away on
dialysis. For Fry-Revere it also strikes close to home because her own son was
diagnosed with kidney cancer when he was just 10 months old.
For this writer living in Canada brings the
same restrictions as the U.S. I could only helplessly watch as a good friend
and former co-worker on dialysis slide toward death’s door. According to Organ
Donation and Transplantation in Canada, kidney donations have not increased
over the past 10 years and ironically it is believed that copying the U.S.
would provide the solution.
This book is a work of creative
non-fiction. As such Fry-Revere, who is also president of Stop Organ Trafficking Now, uses not
just her own knowledge of the situation but also relates the stories of others
both in the U.S. and Iran in a way that is informative, interesting, easily
readable and most importantly, heartfelt. Travel along with this courageous
woman, who took her chances filming interviews without government permission.
Find out why the 25-year-old Iranian system works and what problems still
exist. Learn how donors are compensated and kidney patients are helped. Also
discover how administrators, donors and patients deal with the ethical problems
that have caused the U.S. to refuse to institute a similar system. Most
importantly, learn what life on dialysis is really like. It will surely break
your heart.
Aside from compelling personal stories,
Fry-Revere also gives us a glimpse of life in current-day Iran that is far
different than what the media and the U.S. government have led us to believe.
This book is definitely worth five stars and a must-read that is hard to put
To pick up a copy of
The Kidney Sellers: A Journey of Discovery in Iran, go to Amazon
All author royalties
go to support the SOS, Solving the Organ Shortage, project (
To view photos that Sigrid Fry-Revere took
while in Iran, go to For a discussion of the center’s Solving the
Organ Shortage project and other related issues, go to:
Author’s site:
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