Sunday, July 13, 2008

Book Review: Kiss of a Dolphin

Be a Dolphin & Change a Life

Kiss of a Dolphin
By Tom Tuohy
Founder of Dreams for Kids
Lumen-us Publications© 2006

When I first picked up Tom Tuohy’s book “Kiss of a Dolphin” I did not realize that I would be swept into a magical world where miracles happen and dreams come true. No, this is not a fairy tale.

Every disabled or poverty stricken child or adult who has been drawn into that world would soon learn the same thing – anything is possible. Through Tom’s organization “Dreams for Kids” literally thousands of these people have found dignity and hope for a better, brighter future. This book includes stories of the unimaginable courage of the various disadvantaged people, whose only desire is to be like everyone else. It also tells of the many outstanding folks who came to their aid to give them the love and encouragement to overcome their limitations. In a cycle of giving and gratitude, those same people in turn wish only to give back what has been so freely given to them. If they can do it is there any excuse for the rest of us?

Kiss of a Dolphin is superbly written and will inspire you to be a better person – a dolphin that senses need and jumps into unchartered waters without even being asked and without concern for the consequences – just for the chance to change someone else’s life for the better. This book will make you reassess where true joy in life really stems from – the joy of giving your heart, mind and soul to help someone less fortunate. It will challenge you to seek out opportunities in your own life and neighborhood to extend your hands and heart to someone in need.

I put this review away and thought I was finished. Not so. There’s something else that needs to be said. After reading this book, I felt a profound mixture of loss, sadness and gratitude. The loss from all the years when I was able bodied and could have done more. Sadness for all of those whose lives I could have touched but didn’t; gratitude for my wonderful family members who go out of their way to ensure that I, now disabled myself, never need for anything.

I realize that although I helped people here and there throughout my life, there is much more I could have done. Now I regret passing by countless opportunities that could have drastically changed another person’s life. Don’t let this happen to you. Become a dolphin – with that inner sonar to recognize when and where you are needed. Your reward will be in knowing that you made a difference.

To get a copy of Kiss of a Dolphin write to: All profits from book sales go back into the Dreams for Kids foundation.

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